Sunday, November 2, 2008

Murphy's Law - Quiquay Style

Can life get any weirder than it is right now?

Yup, the coffee-break friend (ex-boylet) strikes back and his proposition left me rather bewildered and staring at his back quizzically.

Did he or didn't he just ask me the unimaginable? (He did.)

Was he kidding? (He wasn't. He was serious.)

Why? (I honestly don't know. But we'll get to that later.)

It started when he asked me for the nth time when I was going to introduce him to the girls I knew, preferably those who were meantime-girl material. Exasperated, I told him bluntly that they were a rare breed (used to be one myself and it isn't exactly a pretty place to be). Most of the females I knew were looking for long-term relationships and I told him quite frankly it wasn't something he could offer.

This I knew from witnessing his latest mini-meltdown stemming from a simple chat with his ex-gf. In my rather unique brand of counselling, I told him that despite of what he thinks that he has moved on with his life, he's still stuck with the past. Unless he lets go of his sweet misery, he's never going to be free. Well, he does have a lot of things going against him - stemming from the fact that he is supposed to be unavailable - in short, he's leg shackled - lock, stock and barrel.

Okay, after that rather blunt set-down from me, he stared at me rather ponderingly and replied, "Then it'll have to be you then."

What???!!! Was he asking me out because he liked me or because he thought I was the last choice? While I was resolved not to let it go anywhere, I don't think I liked the fact that I was a last choice either.

I ignored that comment last week until I got a call from him early this week asking me if I was free to meet with him. I met him at the mall, curious about what he wanted. And it wasn't hard to figure it out once I got there. Still, I ought to be thankful for the ill-timing because even if I had the time, he didn't. (haha! I'm such a meanie.) Things weren't over yet because I needed to know why he would even ask me again knowing I couldn't anymore. Besides, I was not exactly in the best of shape.

So I asked him "Why me?" in my usual way - bluntly. Unfortunately, I didn't exactly get the answer I expected.

"Because you're my friend."

Now what is that supposed to mean?

Well, I didn't ask him further because it made sense to him - and no matter how he explained it, I still wouldn't get it.

Still, thank goodness for some quirky fate that messed up things that night. It wasn't exactly a path I wanted to take. Okay, I'm still tempted (he IS cute) but I would appreciate a little help in avoiding it. hehe.


 I was browsing shows on one of the streaming platforms when I came across this popular Pinoy romance story about overseas Filipino workers ...