Monday, April 18, 2016

Hello Again

I have been suffering from a humongous writer's block for the longest time and I thought maybe this entry would house some of  my ramblings and get me going (so I can finally finish a lot of my pending projects).

It is hard, though, when your sanity seems to be hanging by a thread and grief comes at me like a mack truck without warning. I miss my mom badly. And I've been putting off writing anything about it because it's like being trapped in a living nightmare when I relive her last year and last days. It's not easy trying to hold yourself together and continue to function a mere few minutes later because, let's face it, life goes on.

So, hello again. I will have to continue with life and try to honor my mom's memory by helping others as much as I can once more. I know she's smiling down from heaven at us.


 I was browsing shows on one of the streaming platforms when I came across this popular Pinoy romance story about overseas Filipino workers ...