Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Happy 'effin Birthday, Quiquay

 This year marks the 4th year my erstwhile stbx partner hasn't greeted me on my birthday. 

Whee! (/sarcasm/)

I guess I've known that while it still hurts so badly and the trauma wounds are still there, I think I'm ready to move on. I don't know if I'm ready to share my story to the world - like my traumatic early childhood, I don't want people to pity me, nor do I need the platitudes from them saying, "You're so strong. I would never be able to do that." Well, I don't want to have to be strong. I don't even want to have to worry or stress about family and my bills and everything I have to take care of but here we are and we just have to make do. 

So we move on. We get our own place (albeit rented) and start rebuilding our lives with this new normal. 

And Pilipinas, we need that divorce law stat.

Monday, February 3, 2025

A New Beginning

 I was supposed to be celebrating our wedding anniversary this weekend. Instead, the weekend was spent moving my stuff to the new rental (with a happy side trip to a friend's birthday party). After more than 2 decades of living with him (and my siblings before and after), I am on my own again. 

I find myself not minding - I think I'm looking forward to the solitude and peace (my siblings are not easy people to live with). I think I'm ready to move forward with my life too. I don't look at my FB's memories feature as often as I used to. I just hope this year proves to be luckier for my finances and overall health as well. It's not easy living with chronic pain. And my knees have become even more problematic. I think I really need a PWD ID. Darned perimenopause. 


 I was browsing shows on one of the streaming platforms when I came across this popular Pinoy romance story about overseas Filipino workers ...