Tuesday, June 26, 2007

BC - To be or not to be (an ex)

12 Jun 2003 15:09

If something drastic happens, can I plead temporary insanity?

Some days I can't help myself and I literally stick to him like a leech. I poke, pinch, mess his hair or give him a smack on the lips. (Nangigigil ba?) Some days I rue the day I said yes to this egotistical, stressed-out grump. Can a girl dump a guy out of pique? Haaay.

I sometimes wish I could poke and tell him - hey, I still exist and you haven't been taking care of me lately. Because if he continues his grumpiness, I don't know what'll happen. Who'd want to be married to a guy who's married to his work? (So thank goodness I'm not.) Forgive me for being a bit selfish but girls want to be pampered every now and then. (and you don't need to sell your soul either.) A person's behavior at present can indicate future behavior. So if he prefers the company of his computer, by all means go! I'll go find me a guy who'll make me his sun and moon. (It's a nice fantasy - a guy who thinks the world of you. Haay. Asa pa.)

Fat chance that'll happen. I might just plead insanity.

'Sigh' Love does make fools out of us.

BC - It's Saturday Already?

7 Jun 2003 17:16

And I don't feel it's a weekend. I'm still at work and it seems like I'll be here until 6pm. Oh well, that's life. Have a weird problem (and might be a big one) regarding the sales agents' transport tomorrow for the site visit. Well, I hope the honey was able to talk sense to our boss. Speaking of the honey, he was nicer over the phone today; he was actually very affectionate. Well, either he got a wake-up call or he's just feeling better and less grumpy today. In any case, my best friend is right - I am a serial monogamist. What she means is when I like or in this case, love a guy, it's for keeps (or until something really goes wrong). Okay, have to fix my problem with the transportation tomorrow first. If only that darned guy would call. I hardly have any credits left on my cellphone. =(

BC - Small pleasures

6 Jun 2003 16:34

It's a slow day today. My mind's still working but I would much rather sleep instead. I still can't do that write-up I'm supposed to do but at least the admin stuff's done already. That's one down and more to go. =) One high point of the day - I got to talk (over the phone) to a guy I had a slight crush on before. Made small talk with this cutie- a collegue passed the phone over to him. He's cute - in a geeky kind of way (he hates that) - but he isn't a geek. He's cool, if a bit weird. A lot older than me but he doesn't look like it. Ok, he has a really nice voice. (Major attraction for me) But of course, I still had to sound neutral so I had to stiffle any flirtatious urges. 'sigh'. He said "take care' - even if it's probably an automatic response. (Kilig naman ang bruha.) It's ok, it's more than what my so-called bf did today. (and it's more than he'd say to that stalker of his. Ha!) Next time, I want to be able to dance with the cutie. Wait a minute, I already did that! unfortunately, just once. =( And the sun's out today. Yehey!

Cheap trips, I know. But hey, even small things can make you happy. =)

BC - Trippings

5 Jun 2003 17:42

I am alone at the office today but by no means lonely. Well, I'm rushing on some admin files, my disagreements with the honey aren't quite resolved yet, everybody's out on official business but I'm almost happy. Okay, content might be a better word. Even the phones are quiet today. At long last I'm getting to listen to the songs I downloaded ages ago. It's a hodge-podge of 80's songs, Indigo Girls and some latin salsas. At least they're keeping me awake this hot afternoon. I get to sing along and no one will complain - unless the walls do. I even get to swing to the beat from time to time. Haay. The joys of solitude. In the meantime, I still have to do these reports. That's okay, I have music to keep me company.

BC - The Rose Has Thorns

4 Jun 2003

Love is like a rose, they say. Very delicate in its budding stages. Very beautiful - with the promise of more beauty in full bloom. But be careful, they always say. Its thorns can hurt. But it's so beautiful, we say. Dealing with the thorns are worth it.

"I love you", you said, less than 48 hours since we first talked over the phone. And driven by something I couldn't fathom, I didn't want to let you go. So while I stared at the telephone receiver, I knew I was falling too.

The petals tightly cover the beauty within. The bud, while still small, hints at the magnificence of the flower and its heady scent.

At last, my heart said, I'm not lonely anymore. What a wonderful feeling! Someone actually loves me! Barely a week after we first met, it seemed like I found someone who made me feel whole. I could finally love and be loved in return. People around me found it amusing that the local "Taray Queen" actually had a soft spot. Friends were surprised that their seemingly old maid of a friend finally took the plunge and fell in love. I found myself staring into space repeating silly repartees and corny jokes in my mind. I wore a silly grin at my face for hours at a time. Your friends were surprised that you actually had a girlfriend who was as different from you as can be. But we didn't mind. Yes, we were in love.

And so the rose blooms. And it's a pretty sight - its petals unfurling, the rose releasing its heady perfume into the air. You breathe it in. You savor it.

Yeah, at our age, sometimes our friends found us too mushy and corny.I smile to myself whenever I remember how you would brush aside my always-disheveled hair from my eyes, how you would kiss me on my forehead or my hand for no reason at all, except to say "I love you". Or, I would reminisce how I would kiss the top of your head or play with your hands because I just feel like it. I would also remember your scent, or your gentle hands as they hold me close and I feel safe and calm – different from my usual "praning" state.

The rose, while a hardy flower, still has to taken cared of. So you water it, nourish it and protect it from the elements. Sometimes, while caring for it, its thorns scratch you and hurt you. But you grin and bear it, knowing that it’s part of it.

We had our little disagreements, and sometimes, big ones too – ones that nearly broke us apart. But we weathered it. We talked about it, cried about it, argued about it – everything we had to do to overcome the small and big crises that come our way. We usually come out of it none the worse for wear, knowing that it’s all part of the process. It made our relationship stronger.

But in time the rose’s petals fall to the ground. You try to give more effort to take care of it, try to save the flower, water and nourish it more. But it’s too late. It soon withers and dies.

Our small disagreements became big ones; annoying little habits became major issues. Each talk or attempt at peace was met with annoyance that sent little shards of hurt into my heart. Each petty quarrel became harder and harder to straighten out. Every irritated gesture and remark soon gave small wounds to my already vulnerable heart. My heart is already bleeding and yet you still pay no heed. I’m trying to reach out and make you understand but all that comes out of me is a stinging barb that makes you more irritated - a defense mechanism to brace my heart from more hurt. I search for a bit of kindness in those usually puppy-dog eyes but you give me no quarter. I’m at a loss. I feel and look like that first and last rose you gave me on my last birthday (after more than two years of being together) – wilted and jilted.

All that’s left are stems and thorns – and all you have left is a memory of that rose’s beauty and heady scent.

BC - The Calm Before the Storm

4 Jun 2003 19:41

Things are cool now. They're actually getting colder by the minute. I don't speak to the honey much today - most answers are monosyllabic or in grunts, if ever. Okay, say that it's childish but I am just so sick and tired of the disdain and irritaion I hear in his voice. For once, let him be greeted by silence - icy, cold silence. However, in his denseness he still wouldn't get it anyway so what's the use? 'Sigh'. Men. And now he tells me he's going to be out of town for the next five days. While it is business-related, why do I feel abandoned? I know it's petty but I doubt if we'll be able to spend any "quality time" together. I doubt if we'll be able to spend any time together anyway. So whatever it is I want to talk about with him has got to be put on hold for a while. He just let out one of those sighs he does when he's irritated. They feel like darts shooting through my heart. I wonder if he knows how many times he's come periliously close to being an ex. Oh well, that's what love can do. I just don't know until when I can hold on.

062607 - Postscript:
I hung on. And it was the right thing to do. =)

BC - Yuppie Angst

- 3 Jun 2003 18:41

The Honey is back after a long weekend from Tagaytay. Before you heave a sigh of envy, reconsider - it was raining cats and dogs and the wind was freezing. Plus, he was there working and ranting and raving. The site had the misfortune of being trampled by incompetent subcontractors and people who come and go as they please. Of course, the honey and I aren't happy about this; it just sets back the opening for the nth time. Haay. But we are not the powers that be so what could we do? We just have to wait until they finish what they need to finish and then we can get to work. But I sense his frustration. In a sense, it's mine as well. So we're being pressured to do deliver sales and such - which you can't do because you have no materials in the first place! Haay, 'tis a vicious cycle. I just hope it stops soon. So here I am still hoping for the best - eternal optimist that I am.


Good Luck!light shines at the end of the tunnel

comment added :: 3rd June 2003, 18:41 GMT+08

Nostalgia - 3 Jun 2003 11:16

Monday, June 25, 2007

BC - Just another rainy day

3 Jun 2003

Another gloomy day. The past two weeks have brought nothing but rain and more rain. I'm starting to miss the sun. I already miss it. =( At least this rain has revived my penchant for cheesy 80's teen movies. I don't know, there's just something so innocent and carefree about the era. I started with "Mannequin" - with a very sexy (hmp!) Kim Catrall and a very cute Andrew McCartney. Haaay. =) I'm now looking for a video shop to rent other classics. I've watched some of them before but I just want to go back to those carefree days before adolescence and all its angsts started. Besides, they just don't make them like they used to.

BC - Christmas in June

2 Jun 2003 17:10

I just had to write this. My lady boss' manicurist is wearing the brightest (?) combination my eyes have ever seen in the past few months - a bright yellow green blouse over red capri pants. Okay, I'm being mean. But my eyes just can't take it (nor does my fashion sense). Not that I'm a walking fashion plate. Due to last night's power interruption, I had no choice but to wear no-wrinkle clothes - which just happen to be a reddish-brown blouse and a chocolate brown pair of pants. I look like a a darned walking chocolate bar! Remind me to do my laundry and ironing earlier next time. =(

BC - Who am I?

2 Jun 2003 15:32

This is not a philosophical question. Just a plain, straightforward one. Description: - Mid-twenties (then - ed.), average height (for a Filipina) - Social science grad. (pre-med, if you must know) - First-born, and therefore, also acts as the third parent of the family (sometimes enthusiastically, sometimes reluctantly.) Why such a silly question? I don't know; maybe because to gain an insight on a person, you should also know his or her background. (At least that's one lesson I haven't forgotten since college.) And maybe it's also for me to realize what factors influence me and my decisions. For example, I am firstborn. That makes me sometimes domineering. (Okay, okay, it IS my nature.) Besides, all my journal entries start with a short description of me and my life at that point in time. At least, should someone read my somewhat boring life, they know what was happening around me at the time. Okay, enough of this procrastination. It only means I'll be working late to finish my work again. At least one good thing has come up in between 2 blog entries - I've had a clearer view of what I want to happen in my project. =) Yehey!


i think you're COOL! :D
comment added :: 2nd June 2003, 15:32 GMT+08

BC - Ramblings of a bored mind

- 2 Jun 2003 13:50

* Note: I am transferring my blogs from blog-city to this site. (including the timestamps) Bear with me. =)

Boredom is a dangerous companion. It makes me think of things I'd rather keep under the lid. It makes me go places I shouldn't have gone to in the first place. It makes me do things I shouldn't have done. It makes me impulsive. It makes me a different person. I'm supposed to be working on a sales support material I just couldn't finish because of the proverbial writer's block. And this isn't me. I thought I got over the "ningas cogon" mentality. I am normally a fairly okay writer. Not that good, but okay. So I find myself blogging for the first time after reading an article about it. This after a long time of ignoring my journal. Maybe I'll find my creative juices once again. Maybe I'll write again. Maybe I'll find me again.

Created by: quiquay 2 Jun 2003

Friday, June 22, 2007


She was Prozac to therapy-deprived friends and this was no different. So when she received a call in the middle of the night from a friend who was literally miles away from where he should be, she grew worried and agreed to meet him. Her housemates thought it was weird but she just shrugged it off and left saying she was going to a cafe.

She was still half-asleep when they met. She realized something was wrong when he started blabbering about the mess-that-was-his-life without going to details. She also got a warning and apology for his selfishness for waking her up in the middle of the night. Now this was weird, she thought. He was normally cool, calm and collected. It was disconcerting to see him crazily gestulating while driving and blabbering about his issues without delving into the details.

She suggested they go for coffee so they could talk. Since she was feeling queasy from being woken up, she ordered tea. He settled for coffee and then they sat down on the couches and talked while waiting for their order.

She managed to get some of the story out from him about his current significant other. That they got into another major-league fight, but that's all the information he would give. She sensed that he just wanted company so they started talking about trivial things. All the while his fingers would drift towards her dangling hand and he would play with it. She started feeling the familiar butterflies in her stomach while he did that but she ignored it. She just let her hand lie passively at the armrest, neither encouraging or discouraging his attention.

There was another couple in the room bosteriously laughing but they left a few minutes later. She was still feeling sleepy so she slumped back on the couch and rested her head on the side. He reached over the table to take a sip of coffee and after putting the cup down leaned forward and tilted her chin up. She opened her eyes to look at him only to close it again when his lips pressed hers.

I missed this, she thought, as he continued to kiss her from the other couch. Yet she felt a twinge of sadness it couldn't go further than that kiss. She broke the kiss a few second later, sensing that one of the workers was about to go up the stairs and find them in a rather unusual position.

After a few minutes, they left the cafe. He started to drive to bring her to her house, since it was rather late. He shook his head rather regretfully, knowing that circumstances have changed and he wasn't exactly free to do what he wanted. She smiled at this remark and reminded him he knows he can't cross the line. They both sighed at this fact.

She gave him directions to her house and when they got in front of her gate, they started saying their goodbyes. She turned to him to asking him if he was going to be alright but he surprised her by gathering her to him and kissing her once more.

Oh gosh, she thought, this is madness. She ought to stop, she thought, but those lips silenced any protest from her. They were warm, insistent and beckoned her to respond the way she used to. They left her no choice. She clung to him, helpless and weak, and kissed him back.

Oh boy, she thought, I can't cross this line.

(And folks, I think I will continue this some other time. This is madness.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Serving of Humble Pie, Please

It's hard for me to swallow disappointment and rejection, though I should be getting used to it by now. I've been to a dozen interviews that went well. My qualifications were topnotch and there was no doubt I can do the job well. I just never got the job offer.

So what's a girl to do? I was a good officer and leader, my people would testify to that. It's like asking, "If I'm such a great person, why the heck don't they see it?" Hell, I've seen lesser-qualified people get the job instead of me. And no, I'm not being bitter about it. Although, yes, I am disappointed about it.

Maybe it's because I hate office politics and it shows. I'm scrupulously honest and I do not tolerate incompetent bosses. That's why I left my last job. The SO says the interviewer may feel threatened because I've a strong personality. I don't know. I might be blind to my own faults too. I'm not the best or the most intelligent in the world. It's just that it feels depressing to be rejected too many times.

It's easy to give up but I won't. I'm good and I know it. It's their loss, not mine. And if no one will hire me, I'll hire myself. Maybe I'm meant to be my own boss. What do you think?

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Starting Over

Quiquay readers, I'm moving my blogs here. It pains me to leave my comfy site at blog-city but I'm really a spendthrift who refuses to pay for service I could otherwise get for free. (hehehe). But anyway, hopefully people read my quirky thoughts here as well. Now comes the hard part of transferring 70+ blogs over here and cataloguing them. Oh well, it happens.

So watch out world! I'm still here. =)


 I was browsing shows on one of the streaming platforms when I came across this popular Pinoy romance story about overseas Filipino workers ...