Friday, June 22, 2007


She was Prozac to therapy-deprived friends and this was no different. So when she received a call in the middle of the night from a friend who was literally miles away from where he should be, she grew worried and agreed to meet him. Her housemates thought it was weird but she just shrugged it off and left saying she was going to a cafe.

She was still half-asleep when they met. She realized something was wrong when he started blabbering about the mess-that-was-his-life without going to details. She also got a warning and apology for his selfishness for waking her up in the middle of the night. Now this was weird, she thought. He was normally cool, calm and collected. It was disconcerting to see him crazily gestulating while driving and blabbering about his issues without delving into the details.

She suggested they go for coffee so they could talk. Since she was feeling queasy from being woken up, she ordered tea. He settled for coffee and then they sat down on the couches and talked while waiting for their order.

She managed to get some of the story out from him about his current significant other. That they got into another major-league fight, but that's all the information he would give. She sensed that he just wanted company so they started talking about trivial things. All the while his fingers would drift towards her dangling hand and he would play with it. She started feeling the familiar butterflies in her stomach while he did that but she ignored it. She just let her hand lie passively at the armrest, neither encouraging or discouraging his attention.

There was another couple in the room bosteriously laughing but they left a few minutes later. She was still feeling sleepy so she slumped back on the couch and rested her head on the side. He reached over the table to take a sip of coffee and after putting the cup down leaned forward and tilted her chin up. She opened her eyes to look at him only to close it again when his lips pressed hers.

I missed this, she thought, as he continued to kiss her from the other couch. Yet she felt a twinge of sadness it couldn't go further than that kiss. She broke the kiss a few second later, sensing that one of the workers was about to go up the stairs and find them in a rather unusual position.

After a few minutes, they left the cafe. He started to drive to bring her to her house, since it was rather late. He shook his head rather regretfully, knowing that circumstances have changed and he wasn't exactly free to do what he wanted. She smiled at this remark and reminded him he knows he can't cross the line. They both sighed at this fact.

She gave him directions to her house and when they got in front of her gate, they started saying their goodbyes. She turned to him to asking him if he was going to be alright but he surprised her by gathering her to him and kissing her once more.

Oh gosh, she thought, this is madness. She ought to stop, she thought, but those lips silenced any protest from her. They were warm, insistent and beckoned her to respond the way she used to. They left her no choice. She clung to him, helpless and weak, and kissed him back.

Oh boy, she thought, I can't cross this line.

(And folks, I think I will continue this some other time. This is madness.)

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