Sunday, May 4, 2008

Midweek Madness

Sometimes I think the fates must be having a laugh courtesy of yours truly. In a truly bizarre twist in this girl's life, four very disparate parts of my life came tumbling down in within 24 hours. The fates conspired to have four former boylets give me a jolt and probably make life more interesting for them. Unfortunately, this girl has the weird ability to actually remain friends with the guys she jilted - or who left her, even if they sometimes act like jerks. Oh well, they'll have their uses one of these days. Still, for a new bride, this is almost as bad as two (or in this case, four) worlds colliding. Hahaha. (sarcasm intended)

First, boylet #1, whom we'll call Giggles, made an appearance at the mall. Well, I actually had to meet him there because he asked a favor. Being the soft-hearted, guillible friend I was, I agreed to help him. Good of him to still drop me off the post office though, I thought he'd just run along. Though why he had to refer to a previous, long ago, (hot) encounter was a hit I didn't expect. Unfortunately for him, cute as he was and willing as I was before, he went for a shallow co-worker and had a fling with her. When he realized his mistake, I had moved on. Oh, but we did resolve our issues since then. =p

Surprise # 2 came when Boylet #2, whom his department called P.J. (Papa something....He IS a cutie), suddenly popped an email inviting me and a colleague for lunch. It turned out he brought food for his group because it was his birthday. Of course, as the boss, he out to feed them - and his contacts at our department. Us. Of course, since I never flirt at work, we discussed very neutral topics during lunch. Why announce to everybody you had a fling with this hot guy anyway? That is one complication I don't want in my life. Besides, with an uber-jealous wifey, he's certainly off-limits. He's eye candy, that's all. But not when he's pairing brown shoes with a pair of black pants. I have my limits. haha.

And then out of the blue #3, the geeky player (I know. Weird no?) sent an inconcous sms saying hi. Well, he's an uber-jerk and I don't want anything to do with the guy, but he's a great software contact (drat. And I need one.). Well, good thing I can control the guy, which is a complete departure of how our relationship was back when I was a very green and naive girl. How I ever found the darned guy appealing is beyond me. (sigh). What can I say? I'm a sucker for really smart and weird guys.

By this point, I was laughing so hard inside and thinking, goodness, just two more and this day tops all of the weird days of my life this year. True enough, #4 and #5 came online later in the day. Since #4 was a childhood friend (CF), I had to say hi. Honestly speaking, in the two decades that I've known him I never would've fathomed we'd have an ONS. Ok, make that 2 really hot nights. Or mornings. Whatever. Anyway, at this point I had enough of the fates and resolved not to get in touch with the dance guy, #5, to hit bingo. Now, he would've been too much for me too handle. I'm usually in control but there is something so darned mesmerizing about this guy I just feel like a hypnotized slave whenever I meet him. Now that does not bode well for me, especially now. No, keep off temptation. hehehe.

They say that every woman should maintain a sense of mystery. She should also have a nice, juicy past to look back to when she grows old. I guess this wallflower has all those, though whatever these boylets see in me still boggles my mind. I'm really not their type. Honestly. Nor do they think I'm easy because they know I can stand up to them and I'm a typical apha, take-charge, annoyingly 'I'm always right' person. So what gives?

Oh well, that's something I'll never understand no matter how hard they explain. It's almost as weird as last Wednesday. How many women you know actually encounter almost all the guys she's been with in a single day anyway? Weird, isn't it? Well, it's an experience I'd rather not repeat. I'm quite happy with the hubby, thank you very much. =)

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