Sunday, October 12, 2008

Best Buddies - Post post P.S.

..... He asked me to coordinate his wedding.

WHAT???? He's getting married??? Is he kidding me??

('Sigh') Yup, it's him. That guy who once (nearly?) broke my heart. Is he nuts? Yes, we're still buddies. Yes, I had a fun, unique, quirky and organized wedding that my guests loved. Yes, I know many vendors that could be used. Yes, I have events management experience and I think I don't do that bad at it.

But this one takes the cake. Nothing prepared me for this sucker punch.

Only in my crazy world was this bound to happen.

Haha. The fates just had to give me this twist. Aaargh! (I better get paid good bucks here - but asa pa. More likely they'd ask me to do it for free. Grrrr. rubbing salt. )

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