Wednesday, August 26, 2009

rants and raves (not)

Family.... love 'em or hate 'em, they're stuck to you like a flea to a dog. While I have my issues with my rather irresponsible sisters, the one that earned my ire today is my rather snotty cousin and her ideas of success.

To be fair to her, she just asked a simple question what I was working on based on one of my Facebook statuses. While my friends simply encourage me with "go, go,go!", the cousin had to butt her head in and demand what I was working on. So in my rather sweet but snarky way I wrote that I was doing short projects for a corporate client. I can't exactly divulge the name on the internet since I just freelance but the next opportunity I get I will go to a full, detailed explanation of what I exactly do. Hmp. At least coffee-break friend appreciates the kind of analysis and writing I have to do. My snotty relatives do not. One of these days.....

Oh well, perhaps she means well. Still... I hate it when they start making you feel like the lowliest of lows. Oh well... I still snagged the best hubby around. Now I just need to produce the best babies. hehehe (bad).

Friday, August 7, 2009

...nuninuninu.... (twiddling my thumbs)

It's another one of those nights when I'm supposed to have a lot to do but I'm so bored I could cry. However, I relish the relative peace and quiet I have right now, away from the cacophony of noise at work. Still, it isn't me to be idle so here I am, blogging for all it's worth. (Nobody reads my blogs anyway. =) Still... It's here if you guys want to know what's on my rather woozy brain.

The past few weeks have been spent trying to make a fledging business work, trying (unsuccessfully) to collect on a few debts (c'mon! I was there when you needed help. I just want that help back. ASAP.), propping up a rather bruised ego and counseling a few friends. It's interesting how some parts of my personality emerge whatever situation I find myself in.

First, I hate failure. And i can still be persevering when the need arises. Maybe it's one of the reasons why despite mourning a career I am not sure I could get back to, I managed to make my small shop a success. Hey, I've only been operating for 2 months but at least I know I'm able to maintain its revenue stream, despite my chronic lateness (hehehe).

One surprising thing I found out a few days ago was that apparently, counselling is my calling. Well, not on a professional basis but even my friends would do. A friend recently confided her marriage was on the rocks and I had to help her process it in such a way that she has to find a resolution to the issue rather than resort to a quick and easy break. Of course, I had to ask the coffee-break guy for help because my friend had to see both points of view (hers and the SO). (Interestingly enough, we work well together. haha.)

Well, in between article assignments, a rather grumpy hubby (haay), a fledging micro-business and my own insecurities and what-nots, I still say it's been a rather interesting life so far. In between mindless games of "Plants vs. Zombies" (my latest stress-buster).

(Now... can I please go back to the corporate world? Or someone take pity on me and make me win the lottery. hehe)


 I was browsing shows on one of the streaming platforms when I came across this popular Pinoy romance story about overseas Filipino workers ...