Friday, August 7, 2009

...nuninuninu.... (twiddling my thumbs)

It's another one of those nights when I'm supposed to have a lot to do but I'm so bored I could cry. However, I relish the relative peace and quiet I have right now, away from the cacophony of noise at work. Still, it isn't me to be idle so here I am, blogging for all it's worth. (Nobody reads my blogs anyway. =) Still... It's here if you guys want to know what's on my rather woozy brain.

The past few weeks have been spent trying to make a fledging business work, trying (unsuccessfully) to collect on a few debts (c'mon! I was there when you needed help. I just want that help back. ASAP.), propping up a rather bruised ego and counseling a few friends. It's interesting how some parts of my personality emerge whatever situation I find myself in.

First, I hate failure. And i can still be persevering when the need arises. Maybe it's one of the reasons why despite mourning a career I am not sure I could get back to, I managed to make my small shop a success. Hey, I've only been operating for 2 months but at least I know I'm able to maintain its revenue stream, despite my chronic lateness (hehehe).

One surprising thing I found out a few days ago was that apparently, counselling is my calling. Well, not on a professional basis but even my friends would do. A friend recently confided her marriage was on the rocks and I had to help her process it in such a way that she has to find a resolution to the issue rather than resort to a quick and easy break. Of course, I had to ask the coffee-break guy for help because my friend had to see both points of view (hers and the SO). (Interestingly enough, we work well together. haha.)

Well, in between article assignments, a rather grumpy hubby (haay), a fledging micro-business and my own insecurities and what-nots, I still say it's been a rather interesting life so far. In between mindless games of "Plants vs. Zombies" (my latest stress-buster).

(Now... can I please go back to the corporate world? Or someone take pity on me and make me win the lottery. hehe)

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