Tuesday, January 5, 2010

in Limbo

In Limbo-land. Yup, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere waiting for the hubby to decide on our future - do we buy a business and leave me to manage it, have a baby within the year or not? He's been dilly-dallying about it for so long I finally gave him an ultimatum to make a decision in the next few weeks and make it happen. I cannot waste my life forever sitting in a small, hot aquarium doing mindless tasks.

To be fair to the H, he finally acknowledged (in front of his mom!) that I was responsible for the success of this small venture. Ha! It isn't the moon but I'll take the compliment since he dishes it out ever-so-rarely. But even my mom knows I'm meant for bigger things and not just a small shop and she has very little idea of what I used to do for a living.

So, the countdown begins. If I don't get pregnant this quarter, or he doesn't get this shop or whatever, I am going to go back to looking for better income opportunities. I'm so tired of living like a pauper. (Translation: having the hubby pay for all the house bills.)

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