Saturday, August 28, 2010


I must be broken.

I was rationalizing my actions last weekend and the other episodes before that and concluded that there was something really wrong deep down inside me. It's self-destructive behavior, I know, but I can't seem to help it. I know my will is stronger - in most cases I can cope. However, there are days that I can't. Of course, my present issues with the H aren't really helping. 'sigh'.

I'll ponder on this later.

But the long and short of it - I've been broken all along. I just look put together because of a lot of glue and duct tape. And i'm thankful for all the glue and duct tape. At least I haven't crumbled irreparably yet.

Here is a link that might be helpful for anyone who stumbles into this page:

Incest - Effects On Victims

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