Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Boylet Chronicles - Do's and Don't's

I generally like most of the guys I dated before I met the eventual H and he all but laid his claim on me. This one boylet, who we can call Safari Guy, was cooky and sweet but managed to be awkward and so full of himself in one go. What happened between us could be a lesson on boylet do's and don'ts. Just because a girl is willing doesn't mean you have to take advantage of her. For goodness' sake, think about her pleasure as well.

I met SG during a trip a long, long time ago. He was the perfect summer fling. He was kinda cute and sweet so our group decided he was safe and we teased him mercilessly.

We hit off and became friends soon after. There was an underlying attraction but we ignored it. He decided I wasn't his type (I was too loud, kikay and Pinay for his taste) and I sensed that reluctance in him so I focused my energies on healing from a trauma which happened a few months before he met me and crushing on more unattainable, crush-ng-bayan type guys.

We soon became each other's sounding board on all teenage angsts under the sun. And because for some weird reason guys tell me almost everything - those bordering to too much information territory - we had some serious discussions about attraction and the opposite sex.

One day, while taking a walk around the campus after watching a movie, we sat down and just thought - what the heck - and kissed. It was everything awkward teenagers thought it would be - downright uncomfortable, wet and sloppy. Well, we both didn't know what to do but I sort of expected him to have a bit more finesse. For a sensitive guy he claimed to be, he sure couldn't read any of the cues I sent him.

So there's a do - do make sure you at least like the friend you're hooking up with. We did like each other. But that episode convinced me trying to explore our relationship was going to lead nowhere. And there's your don't - for goodness sake, at least know what you're doing first. Especially the basics. And kissing is basic. You still have to woo the girl with your skills. He thought it was in the bag. He thought wrong.

I had a friend who once told me (after a less than stellar performance from him) he thought he knew all there was to know about making love to a woman but he was wrong. I simply told him I hated doing all the work - so be a man, know how to make the woman happy and reap the rewards later. That's always a do.

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