Friday, January 21, 2011

Quiquay -the writer

After several days of frantic writing and proofreading for a client, there is surprisingly little left for me to do for the next few days. I do have several projects lined up but at least I still have the luxury of a few days before turning them in.

So what to do? I've been churning my head for something creative to do when it hit me - write something! But what? Another essay on my recent angst? An advice column? I haven't been the least inspired in that alley lately so I thought I'd give voice to all the fantasies going inside my head for a change.

Well, the blog is about life, love and lust, isn't it? Why not try my hand at the last topic? Unless of course, like previous efforts, I'd blush at my own efforts and stop just when things are getting interesting. Then maybe I'd try my hand at a sexier brand of lit. =)

Hey, just because I'm this boring wife right now doesn't mean I can't have an active imagination anymore. =)


Unknown said...

Go girl! You should write more about the last part.

Geek Goddess said...

wahahaha! I'll try dear, i'll try.


 I was browsing shows on one of the streaming platforms when I came across this popular Pinoy romance story about overseas Filipino workers ...